Maes Hiraddug Nature Reserve
A colourful wildflower haven connecting us to our farming heritage and providing a magical summertime treat.
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
A colourful wildflower haven connecting us to our farming heritage and providing a magical summertime treat.
Hafan liwgar sy’n ein cysylltu ni â’n treftadaeth ffermio ac yn darparu gwledd hudolus dros yr haf – peidiwch â’i cholli!
Ash dieback has spread rapidly through the Welsh countryside and has now affected all of North Wales Wildlife Trust's nature reserves with ash trees present.
Yn ddiweddar ymwelodd Jess Minett, swyddog prosiect Rhwydwaith Ecolegol Gwydn Cymru ar gyfer De a Chanolbarth Cymru, â Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cynffig, Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig…
Ewch ati i wella eich siawns o weld bywyd gwyllt gyda chyngor crefft maes gan Matthew Capper, gwyliwr adar brwd, ffotograffydd a phennaeth cyfathrebu gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Swydd Lincoln.
The sheer variety of trees, plants, birds and butterflies fills this reserve with year-round colour – and enjoy fantastic views of the Clwydian Range!
One of North Wales Wildlife Trust’s first nature reserves, purchased in 1964: home to some genuine rarities and brimming with wildlife.
Recently the Wales Resilient Ecological Network South and mid-Wales project officer, Jess Minett, visited Kenfig National Nature Reserve, a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in…