Family Fungus Foray

A yellow- orange trumpet shaped fungi growing in a cluster. Growing out from a vertical wall of vegetation. The green of the surrounding moss and trees is also tinted orange in pre-dusk light.

False chanterelle © Andy Bell

Graig Wyllt nature reserve

Graig Wyllt nature reserve © Chris Wynne

Family Fungus Foray

Discover more about our Graig Wyllt Nature Reserve with a trail quiz and fungi walk, or make some nature inspired crafts

Manylion y digwyddiad

Pwynt cyfarfod

Three Pigeons Car park, Graigfechan LL15 2EU ///agreeable.eyelashes.decompose


10:30am - 3:00pm
A static map of Family Fungus Foray

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

A rare opportunity to discover more about one of our newest nature reserves and experience the wonderful view across Dyffryn Clwyd. Come and find out more about local conservation projects with the Llanfair-Fyw group. We will have an expert-lead fungus foray (suitable for all) as well as some fun activities to help you discover more about the wildlife on your English ac yn Gymraeg.   


Pris / rhodd

Free but booking essential

Gwybodaeth archebu ychwanegol

Booking essential

Yn addas ar gyfer

Teuluoedd, Plant, Oedolion, Arbenigwyr, Dechreuwyr

Gwybod cyn i chi fynd


Ni chaniateir cŵn


This is a very steep and rocky nature reserve, with slip hazard on wet days. Care must be taken walking up and down the footpaths. Children must be supervised and care must be taken at all times.  

Cysylltwch â ni

Iwan Edwards
Rhif Cyswllt: 07584311583