Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Gwarchodfa Natur Old Pulford Brook Meadows
Yn llawn lliw a bywyd yn yr haf, arferai’r dolydd gorlifdir prin yma fod yn olygfa gyffredin ar hyd Afon Dyfrdwy ar un adeg.
Aspen is a slender poplar tree that can be spotted on heathland and in woodlands, particularly in Scotland. It displays hanging catkins in spring and its fluttering leaves turn vibrant yellow in…
Common laburnum
Common laburnum is an introduced species, planted in parks and gardens. It is most recognisable in flower - its hanging bunches of yellow blooms giving it the name 'Golden rain'. It is…
Norway spruce
The Norway spruce was introduced into the UK from Scandinavia in the 16th century. It is familiar to us all as the 'original' Christmas tree and displays hanging, reddish-brown, oblong…
Red deer
Standing proud and tall, the red deer is our largest deer. With its massive antlers, it is an unmistakeable icon of the Scottish Highlands, but can be seen in northwest and southern England, too…
Four-spotted chaser
The Four-spotted chaser is easily recognised by the two dark spots on the leading edge of each wing - giving this species its name. It can be seen on heathlands and near ponds and lakes.
Hybrid black poplar
The Hybrid black poplar is a variety of our wild Black poplar that can be seen along riversides, roadsides and in parks. Used for ornamental planting and timber, it has become naturalised in the…
Be' sy' ymlaen
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Restore Nature Now!
Staff and supporters of The Wildlife Trusts marched to Parliament alongside over 60,000 people to demand politicians Restore Nature Now. They joined a huge crowd of environmental organisations and…
Plant trees and hedges
Male capercaillies perform spectacular communal displays in spring, gathering in woodland clearings to parade around, fanning their magnificent tail feathers and making strange gulping and…