Brenig Osprey Update mid June.

Brenig Osprey Update mid June.

KA5, the osprey chick in 2019 at Llyn Brenig © KimBoccato

Brenig Osprey Update



We can now confirm that BLUE24 and HR7 have just one chick. Over the last few weeks we have only ever observed BLUE24 feeding one chick.

It is real joy watching them, even though we just catch glimpses of the chick’s head bobbing up when being fed. It is amazing seeing how BLUE24 and HR7 are looking after their chick, they are truly great parents.

HR7 only seems to leave the nest to go fishing and is bringing in plenty of food for the whole family. When he returns with a fish he sometimes keeps hold of the fish and tears off small pieces which he passes to BLUE24 who then feeds them to their chick. When not fishing he is on the nest or perch always facing the nest keeping watch over BLUE24 and their chick. 

A wonderful sight to see!