
Welcome to your wildlife Blog! We want to share wildlife stories, news and opinions from across North Wales. To reflect a range of voices we will leave each blog post in the language of the author.

Have you got a good wildlife story to tell? If you'd like to join in with our blog please send your idea to


A hornet mimic hoverfly perched on small purple flowers

Footballers, batmen and heroes

Find out all about hoverflies with insect expert Vicki Hird MSc FRES, in this fascinating blog from our friends at The Wildlife Trusts.

Forget-me-not flowers in bloom

Removing barriers to learning

We are committed to increasing our accessibility so that more people can enjoy and support wildlife.

Our latest blog, written by Jayke Forshaw, our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)…

Living Seas Team group photo

An end and a beginning!

Hello! It’s Dylan and Rhys again and we are no longer Interns! In our last blog we talked about the ending of our six-month internship, ran by The Crown Estate, hosted by the North Wales Wildlife…

View from Moel Hiraddug with limestone grassland in the foreground 

Graceful grasslands of a limestone landscape

Join Project Officer, Craig Wade, as he explores the fascinating limestone grasslands of Moel Hiraddug, known as Dyserth Mountain – an Iron Age hillfort, also a former quarry, and now forming rare…


Sowing survival

Where farmers are given support for nature-friendly farming, nature and food production can go hand in hand. Through the pioneering Jordans Farm Partnership, The Wildlife Trusts and Jordans work…

Volunteers dragging a large amount of fishing rope

Plast Off! Beach Clean 2025

Saturday 11th January 2025 was our eighth annual Plast Off! Beach Clean event. Find out how it went...