We are privileged to receive donations in memory of loved ones.
Donations in memory can be given to us directly, arranged through funeral directors or set up using third-party services. We are particularly proud to be able to host ‘in memory’ pages on our own website which celebrate someone’s connection with wildlife in North Wales.
Create an 'in memory' donation page
If you don’t use our in-house ‘in memory’ pages, we may not find out about a tribute you create. However, we’d love to hear from you – we are always happy to share families’ generosity and their loved ones’ stories.
Remember someone special with a memorial.
We have had the pleasure of arranging many special tributes in remembrance on our reserves over the years and continue to receive many requests for new memorials. Examples - for all budgets - include plaques placed on pre-existing benches, creating new benches, tree planting, landscaping and building restoration. When requests are received, our legacy team investigate all options available, but please note that we are not always able to accommodate the request.

Jonathan's story
Jonathan wanted to protect and preserve the natural environment and the communities that inhabit them. To know that this essential work will continue in his memory brings comfort to his family and is something he would have wished for.

Photo © Hazel Brockley
Sylvia Brockley
Sylvia was an Anglesey based teacher who loved to show her grandsons the natural world around them and the diversity of landscape in the region. At the age of 85, Sylvia passed away in November 2023. A donation was made in her memory.
“I think she would have approved my choice given her lifelong involvement in education and her love of nature” - Hazel

Andy's story
Local wildlife was always close to Andy’s heart, and he volunteered countless hours to protect it. Although he lost his battle with cancer far too young, Andy’s legacy lives on in our landscape after his wonderful family donated money collected in his name to North Wales Wildlife Trust.

Photo © Hughes Family
Hughie passed away in 2024. A generous donation was made in his memory to support the wildlife he loved.
"Hughie spent many happy hours walking around the Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve. He particularly enjoyed visiting the bird hides and was never without his binoculars" - Bethan
Gifts in Wills
Help protect local wildlife and wild places for future generations by leaving a gift in your Will.