A year for wildlife
We want to see a North Wales richer in wildlife valued by all: no small aim in a world where wildlife is sidelined.
Yet we – our staff, volunteers, members and partners – take steps every single day to improve places for wildlife and strengthen the relationship between the people of North Wales and the local environment. Together, we make a real difference.
Each year, we summarise our work in an ‘impact report’: a celebratory snap-shot of our local movement. We hope it will inspire you to help us work for the wilder future that our children, and our wildlife, deserve to inherit.

Foreword by Frances Cattanach, CEO and Howard Davies, Chair
By the time this report goes to print, the fourth World Biodiversity Summit will have taken place alongside the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where delegates will have considered topics such as ‘Reparation for Climate Change Damage’, ‘Rebuilding Trust and Restoring Hope’ and ‘Food Systems and Chemicals’. All of these issues resonate at a local level, all have an impact on wildlife, and all relate to the work of North Wales Wildlife Trust through our strategy, Bringing Nature Back, which helps us to think globally and act locally.
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Central to our work is revitalising the relationship people have with nature, because if nature matters to people it will be factored into individual and societal decision-making – whether that concerns how farmland is managed; choices we make over where we buy our food; how we travel; or simply how we choose to spend our precious time. We have reached a point where systemic change is required – new ways of working, forging new partnerships and working hard to support others to help restore nature.
People therefore remain at the heart of everything we do – and none more so than those who directly support us. Our membership numbers are healthy; we attract a high number of volunteers; we are supported by a wide range of funders and partners; and gifts in Wills represent a vital income stream that we turn into direct action for wildlife. Thank you for the trust you place in us.