Spring wildlife

people and bluebells
where to see wildlife

Spring wildlife

From bluebells to birdsong

From the gradual arrival of migrant birds to the unrolling of bluebell carpets - spring is a great unfolding story when everything seems possible (so writes Simon Barnes). In spring we have our beginnings. Life starts again: the early flowers daringly lift their heads above the earth and the birds burst into song. Spring is showtime, with the almost ridiculously sumptuous shag-pile carpets of bluebells and the deafening chorus at dawn.


Bluebells - Katrina Martin 2020Vision



Swallow - Alan Price Gatehouse Studio

Bird migration

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchid - Dawn Monrose


 A close up of a butterfly with orange wings with a distinctive pattern of black lines and spots. Sat on  a plant with it's wings spread wide.

Small Pearl bordered Fritillary © Chris Lawrence

Woodland butterflies