Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Living Seas LIVE!
This summer, our Living Seas Wales team are heading out on the road! Expect virtual-reality experiences, rockpooling, beachcombing, snorkelling, sea-watching and much more! Find out where to see…
Keeled skimmer
The Keeled skimmer is a dragonfly of heaths and commons with shallow pools. It has a skittish and weak flight, and is on the wing in summer and early autumn.
Sophia's Blog
Many of our Living Seas Champions help the Living Seas Wales team on events and activities across North Wales and a few are so keen and informed that they continue to educate, enthuse and engage…
Summer on the Seashore
Join us this summer as we explore North Wales’s coast and sea. We’ll be picnicking, rockpooling, snŵdling, going wild at West Shore and lots more…
Summer wildlife
Summer on the seashore
Common scoter
The common scoter has suffered large declines in the UK, threatening its survival here. Look out for this duck feeding at sea in winter when its numbers are bolstered by migrating birds.
Living with spiders
Every autumn, headlines warn about spiders invading our homes. But what’s the real story with our eight-legged neighbours?
Sharks, seagrass, Shoresearch (my year with Living Seas)
Sophia has spent almost a year on work experience with us as part of her Bangor University course. She's enjoyed every aspect of the marine team's work, from our various projects on…
Black-tailed skimmer
The Black-tailed skimmer is a narrow-bodied dragonfly that can be seen flying low over the bare gravel and mud around flooded gravel pits and reservoirs. It is on the wing from May to August.
Common pond skater
The common pond skater can be seen 'skating' over the surface of ponds, lakes, ditches and slow-moving rivers. It is predatory, feeding on small insects by detecting vibrations in the…