Include a gift in your will

Grandfather holding his grandson

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Include a gift in your Will



Explore our free Will-writing services

Help protect local wildlife and wild places for future generations by leaving a gift in your Will

Once you have provided for your loved ones, remembering North Wales Wildlife Trust in your Will helps keep your memories of our wildlife alive for future generations.  We need this support to ensure that the children of North Wales will be able to continue to enjoy their wildlife and wild places as they grow up and have families of their own.

Every gift in every Will, however large or small, makes a difference.

Free Will-writing services   Use your own solicitor 

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Our legacy promises

A small model of the TARDIS, which resembles an old style blue police box, hidden in vegetation.



Time Lords of Tomorrow

Join us at Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve on April 17th as we create a time machine - of sorts! We will be burying a time capsule filled with environmental pledges, hopes, and dreams for the wildlife and wild places of North Wales. Packed with planet-changing ideas, it might just be bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside!

Time Lords of Tomorrow event details

If you can’t be there in person, you can still be part of history - click the button below to leave a message for your future self.

Submit your environmental hopes and dreams online

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