How connecting with nature can help us feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
State of Nature 2023
Mae’r adroddiad garreg filltir Sefyllfa Natur 2023 wedi dangos fod y DU – sydd yn barod wedi ei dynodi fel un o’r gwledydd mwyaf natur-ddiffygiol yn y byd – yn dal i adael natur ddirywio. Mwy nac erioed o’r blaen mae pobl yn pryderu ac yn poeni yn ddirfawr am sefyllfa eu hamgylchedd naturiol. Gyda etholiad cyffredinol ar y gorwel, mae’n amser i wleidyddion glywed y neges yna.
Kenfig National Nature Reserve
Yn ddiweddar ymwelodd Jess Minett, swyddog prosiect Rhwydwaith Ecolegol Gwydn Cymru ar gyfer De a Chanolbarth Cymru, â Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cynffig, Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig…
Managing ash dieback on NWWT nature reserves
Ash dieback has spread rapidly through the Welsh countryside and has now affected all of North Wales Wildlife Trust's nature reserves with ash trees present.
Farming in Nature
The new Sustainable Farming Scheme is a once in a lifetime opportunity to put farming in Wales on a sound sustainable footing and address the climate and nature crisis. We need to show the Welsh Government that there is overwhelming public support for nature-friendly farming. Show your support for nature-friendly farming by getting in touch with your Member of the Senedd (MS).
Protect Nature Now
The Protect Nature Now: Stop the Spread of Invasive Non-Native Species!
Restore Nature Now!
Staff and supporters of The Wildlife Trusts marched to Parliament alongside over 60,000 people to demand politicians Restore Nature Now. They joined a huge crowd of environmental organisations and…
State of Nature 2023
The landmark 2023 State of Nature Report has shown that the UK – already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries in the world – is continuing to allow nature to decline.
It has never been more evident that people care more about the state of their natural environment than ever before. With a general election on the horizon, it’s time politicians heard that message.
It has never been more evident that people care more about the state of their natural environment than ever before. With a general election on the horizon, it’s time politicians heard that message.
Nature and a global pandemic
Our intern Sam shares his thoughts on the pandemic, its effects on nature and the way he's been coping with lockdown!
Stand for Nature Wales
Stand for Nature Wales is a national youth climate change project with a big ambition!
The five Wildlife Trusts in Wales have come together to mobilise young people to tackle the climate and ecological crises head-on. For the next three years, we will be working to empower and inspire young people to take action for nature and wildlife in their local area and unite their communities in an effort to reduce their collective environmental impact. From urban Cardiff to rural Anglesey, young people are standing up for nature and securing a greener future.
The five Wildlife Trusts in Wales have come together to mobilise young people to tackle the climate and ecological crises head-on. For the next three years, we will be working to empower and inspire young people to take action for nature and wildlife in their local area and unite their communities in an effort to reduce their collective environmental impact. From urban Cardiff to rural Anglesey, young people are standing up for nature and securing a greener future.
Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve
A fantastic post-industrial nature reserve with an explosive history.
Carl's story | Nature for Health
Here's Carl's story, in his own words, on how contact with nature transformed his health.