Send copy of submission to ... A copy of this submission will automatically be sent to Mark Roberts. If you want it to also go to you, please enter your email addresses here. If you want it to be received by other people, you will need to forward on the results via your own email. Required elements Event name Event location Event date Event start time Event end time Event organiser - Select -Anglesey BranchArfon BranchClwydian BranchConwy Valley BranchMeirionnydd BranchWrexham BranchNWWT Staff Lead person = the person to whom questions should be directed! Total number of attendees Volunteer time hours Please provide an estimate of the total volunteer time spent planning and delivering the event. [N.B. a separate volunteer timesheet should still be completed!] Staff time hours Please provide an estimate of the total staff time involved in planning and delivery of the event. Other costs £ Cost detail Adding detail here (e.g. space hire, publicity) is optional. Memberships recruited Please record the number of memberships (= households) rather than individual members - a whole family at a single address = 1 membership. Donations received £ Gross sales income £ Volunteer enquiries E.g. people who expressed an interest in volunteering Main aim Was the main aim achieved? Feel free to add any context here. Central promotion Was the event promoted via: Printed 'What On!' guide NWWT website Optional elements Were there any significant problems? If running the event again what, if anything, would you do differently? Any other notes or points of learning for other staff or volunteers? Quotes & Testimony Please use this space to record any quotes or feedback that you gathered from attendees and participants during the event Local promotion Was the event promoted physically in the local area (poster / flyer / advert etc.)? Local social media Was the event promoted on local social media? (if so please provide details, including how widely it was shared) Target audience(s) Who were your ‘Target Audience’, and do you feel you reached them? Our target audiences are who we need to engage with to deliver our outcomes. We have identified seven priority audiences: Nature-deprived Those with a specific health/wellbeing need that could be supported by spending more time in wildlife/wild places Children and young people Decision-makers and funders (local and national level) Land-owners and -managers Thought-leaders and opinion-formers (local and national level) Supporters (current and potential) The ‘Wildlife Enthusiasts’ segment is around 35% of the UK population Staff and volunteers Leave this field blank