
Osprey feeding

© Sophia Evans

Osprey watch homepage

Thank you for helping protect these amazing birds.

Your Osprey Watch Session Homepage

Thank you for your help. This page aims to put to all the tools you need for your 2 hour session in a single, easy to use location.

Both camera links are available on here with the monitoring and disturbance forms and emergency contact flow chart.

Nest Cam

PTZ Camera

Log what you see

Disturbance monitoring form can be found here

Collection of fish data input here

Observations of unusual, funny or good for social media behaviour here


Emergency Plan

Overnight Observation


Unauthorised human presence near nest in the night (defined as anywhere within the 150m perimeter fence)

Call 999 and ask for officer dispatch. Provide police reference Q053409. Inform Welsh Water duty manager in the morning on 01490 754974 Complete incident log (see below) and forward to

Possible human activity near nest (no visual confirmation) in the night (voices, lights close to nest etc) Call 101 and provide reference number Q053409. Note time of incident, inform Welsh Water duty manager in the morning on 01490 754974. Complete incident log (see below) and forward to

​Birds alarm calling in the night, not suspected to be linked to human activity.


Complete the disturbance monitoring form above.


DCWW Incident Log

Brenig Conservation Plan

For guidance, queries and feedback email: