Support for landowners

Wood pasture

Jonathan Hulson

Alun and Chwiler Living Landscape


If you're a landowner or land manager located within the Alun and Chwiler Living Landscape area, please get in touch as we may be able to help fund the creation and enhancement of woodland habitats, as well as a number of targeted works to improve water resource management on the farm.


Woodland creation
We can help fund the creation of new woodlands on farms, especially where they might link-up existing woodlands. This includes small or large broadleaved or mixed-woodland creation schemes; shelterwoods, riparian buffer strips, in-field tree cages and no-fence tree planting schemes that do not require the exclusion of livestock.

Woodland management
We can help fund the development of new woodland management plans, helping to bring neglected woodlands into active management. Working in partnership with Farming Connect and Natural Resources Wales, we can advise landowners on felling licence applications, the marketing of timber and sustainable forest management methods.

Hedgerow creation and management
We are able to fund the planting of new hedgerows and the restoration of existing ones, as well as funding to improve their sustainable management through mechanised wildlife hedgelaying.

Technical farmyard assessment
Welsh Dee Trust will identify all of the sources and pathways of pollution within the farmyard and will make suggestions on possible ways to eliminate or reduce the impact of this pollution upon water quality. Possible grant funded works include:

  • Roofing of manure and livestock areas
  • Concreting yards
  • Guttering, down pipes and underground drains
  • Watercourse fencing
  • Constructed farmyard wetlands
  • Stone tracks and gateways
  • Farmer innovation - soil improvement e.g. cover crops, herbal leys, possibly machinery
  • Farmer innovation - clean/dirty water separation

Soil assessment
Welsh Dee Trust will undertake a soil assessment of fields across a farm holding. This will assess the soil health of a farm and make suggestions on methods to minimise soil erosion and improve soil health.

Other habitats
We may be able to help fund the creation and/or enhancement of other habitats within the project focus area. This might be the restoration of wildflower meadows, the creation of new ponds, or the provision of bird and bat boxes.

Get in touch