We can provide land management advice to help your business create space for nature and can work with you to achieve accredited recognition.
Depending on our availability, we may be able to undertake an informal site visit or deal with initial enquiries by email . For formal surveys, assessments and reports/recommendations, we recommend approaching our consultancy: Enfys Ecology.

Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography
Accredited recognition
We want to recognise and celebrate those businesses which have achieved excellence. The Wildlife Trusts’ Biodiversity Benchmark is the only standard that certifies management of your business landholdings for wildlife.
Biodiversity Benchmark is designed to complement ISO14001 and tests the design and implementation of a business’s management systems to achieve continual biodiversity enhancement and protection on their landholdings.
Making a start
There are lots of things that you and your colleagues can do to create space for nature which don’t need expertise – why not give some of these a go?