Our people - Sophia Taylor

Our people - Sophia Taylor

Meet Sophia Taylor - Living Seas student placement 2023-2024
Sophia - Living Seas Placement 2023-2024

Sophia Taylor © Ellen Williams

Meet Sophia, Living Seas student placement 2023 - 2024. We are so thankful to Sophia for all her amazing work in the marine environment and in engaging the public with coastal wildlife, and wish her all the best in her future studies and career in nature.

What does your role involve?
My role was a mix of almost everything the Living Seas team do, from Shoresearch intertidal surveys with Dawn to small shark egg case hunts with Reece. A good portion of my work was that sort of community outreach and education, as well as citizen science projects.

What was your path to North Wales Wildlife Trust?
I’m a Bangor University marine biology student, and I wanted to do a placement year before I finished my degree. North Wales Wildlife Trust was close being based in Bangor, and with my previous experience volunteering with the Manx Wildlife Trust back home, I knew it was a field I really enjoyed doing work in.

When did you first become interested in nature and wildlife?
From a really young age I would say, it’s been an interest as long as I can remember. Growing up on the Isle of Man, natural spaces surround you there and the biodiversity is incredible. Learning to SCUBA dive there really cemented my interest as the marine life all around the Manx coast is so diverse and beautiful.

What’s been the best thing about your time at the Trust?
Being able to get involved with so many different outreach and citizen science projects, I would say. I absolutely love all things wildlife education and I enjoy handing out marine life facts to anyone who’ll listen!

What do you plan to do next?
I really hope to work in something related to citizen science or education when I finish my degree, being able to get out and about and spread the word of what incredible life is around the Irish Sea.

Can you tell us something that has inspired you recently?
Recently I’ve been replaying an all-time favourite game of mine, Horizon Zero Dawn. Within the story, there’s a hugely hopeful message about human ingenuity and drive to help keep the planet alive and biodiverse. It’s really nice to be reminded that despite all the threats to nature, humans can and do so much to help.