30 Days Wild Membership Offer

30 Days Wild web banner (2020)
Half Price Membership Offer

Thank you for taking part in 30 Days Wild!

We hope you enjoyed taking part in 30 Days Wild this year

We had almost 2000 people sign up 30 Days Wild this year in North Wales and more of you take part each year,  which is absolutely fabulous. With over 30,000 acts of wildness taking place in June across the region which is amazing.

Imagine if we could do that all year round?

We know its difficult trying to stay wild all year round but we here at North Wales Wildlife Trust would like to try help you by offering all participants of 30 Days Wild a Half Price membership, where you can get involved with activities, visit 35 wonderful nature reserves and enjoy access to over 140 events - all whilst getting that warm fuzzy feeling knowing you are directly contributing to safeguarding the vulnerable wildlife of North Wales.

With Individual memberships starting from only £1.50 a month and family membership only £2.00 a month its a great way to keep you and your family Wild!

Become a member today 

Reserve Guide

Wild Places to Explore 

Join Today and receive 'Wild Places to Explore' as a free gift! (RRP £7.50)

This new guide to some of the most special places for wildlife in North Wales includes the North Wales Wildlife Trust's 35 nature reserves - some of the best examples of semi-natural habitats in the area, providing protection for rare species and places for people to enjoy wildlife.


© Greenwood Family Park

Supporters of North Wales Wildlife Trust also get a 10% discount on the admission price to Greenwood Family Park (advance bookings only) and a discount when they pre-book a visit to the Brenig Osprey Hide. (Ts & Cs apply)

Members Pack

Mark Roberts@Nwwt

You will receive ...

 Guides to your local nature reserves  • Three issues of Wild North Wales magazine
• A weekly wildlife e-newsletter • Access to more than 140 events 

• Wildlife Trust supporters also get a 15% discount at Cotswold Outdoor

Become a member today
WW Pack 100 edition

WW Pack 100 © NWWT

Family Membership

Family members also receive a fabulous welcome pack and four issues of Wildlife Watch or Gwyllt! magazine - full of information, competitions, puzzles and projects!   A great way for children or grandchildren to connect more with wildlife.

Join as a family today
I didn't know that the North Wales Wildlife Trust had so many nature reserves, I have really enjoyed visiting a few of them and its great to know my membership is helping to protect them.
Hazel Roberts, Llanfairfechan