Our people - Freya Ryan

Our people - Freya Ryan

Meet Freya Ryan - reserves assistant and student placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024
Image of Freya on a nature reserve holding a chainsaw


Meet Freya, reserves assistant and student placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024. We are so grateful to Freya for all her work and wish her all the luck in the world for her future career in nature.

What did your role involve?
Working with the reserves team has covered all basis of conservation from felling to raking, survey work to invasive control. I have learnt so much and had such great fun along the way.

What was your path to North Wales Wildlife Trust?
When I applied to university I ensured that it included a placement year which is how I ended up with the Trust. After living in Bangor for 2 years, working with the Trust has meant that I can give back to the place and wildlife that has looked after me.

When did you first become interested in nature and wildlife?
Growing up in Shropshire meant that I have always been surrounded by the countryside and so it has always felt like home and a passion of mine.

What’s been the best thing about your time at the Trust?
I have thoroughly enjoyed spending all this time outside amongst the wonderful wild places in Wales. Not to mention the great people I have met with many special memories made.

What do you plan to do next?
After spending the summer back at home in Shropshire, I will return to Bangor University for my final year. I will continue volunteering with the trust during the term and then hopefully find a job in conservation doing what I love.

Can you tell us something that has inspired you recently?
After beginning research for my final year dissertation project, I have become transfixed with the world of botany. It just goes to show we can all continue learn, and find new passions throughout our wildlife on our doorsteps.