Living Seas is North Wales Wildlife Trust's vision for the seas of Wales. Find out all about our marine conservation work and any events or activities that we are running including snorkelling, beach cleans and rockpooling. There's lots of information about marine plants and animals - from seagrass to sharks! Find out how to become a marine conservation volunteer or become a Citizen Scientist through our Shoresearch project.
Mae Beached! yn brosiect newydd sy’n ceisio mapio’r bywyd môr marw neu ar farw sy’n cronni ar hyd ein traethau ni, o Southport i Aberdyfi. Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad cyffredin ac, yn aml iawn, yn ddigwyddiad naturiol fel rhan o gylch bywyd y môr, ond ychydig iawn ydyn ni’n ei wybod am ble neu pam mae’r ‘drylliadau’ hyn yn digwydd.
There are many ways that you can help us restore nature in North Wales. When you join as a member, make a donation, include us in your Will or make a purchase in one of our shops, your contribution goes directly towards protecting the wildlife and wild places you love.
Wildlife friendly gardening is about creating shelter and providing food, water and nesting sites. You will be rewarded by seeing and hearing more birds, butterflies, hedgehogs and other wild creatures that would not have had a reason to visit you before.
Beached! is a project which aims to map the species washed up on our beaches, especially the occasional mass accumulations of dead or dying sea life on our beach strandlines.
Many endangered species live here, in North Wales. Your local Wildlife Trust helps with wildlife conservation by protecting habitats for local wildlife. Learn how you can help endangered species and your local wildlife with us!
North Wales Wildlife Trust are protecting threatened swift sites, recruiting survey volunteers and spreading the word across North Wales about swifts’ decline, and how it can be addressed.