Snail eggs © Lucy Mills
Discover the ponds at this woodland and wetland nature reserve and help record our fascinating wildlife.
Event details
About the event
We'll take you through the steps of performing a pond survey and recording the results, and teach you about the benefits of citizen science in this training session.
Beginners welcome.
This event is part of our Nature Counts project. During our events, we'll be recording the species we find as part of a citizen science project to help us manage our nature reserves and local habitats.
This project is funded by the Nature Networks Programme and is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.
Donations appreciatedAdditional booking information
Booking essentialSuitable for
Adults, Experts, BeginnersKnow before you go
Contact us
Contact number: 07375520494
Contact email: helen.carter-emsell@northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk