Aberduna Nature Reserve

Aberduna Nature Reserve

Aberduna Nature Reserve © Damian Hughes

 A close up of a butterfly with orange wings with a distinctive pattern of black lines and spots. Sat on  a plant with it's wings spread wide.

Small Pearl bordered Fritillary © Chris Lawrence

Coed Crafnant

© Liz Cummings

Willow warbler

Willow warbler © Margaret Holland


Aberduna Nature Reserve © NWWT


Bluebells - Katrina Martin 2020Vision

Aberduna Nature Reserve

The sheer variety of trees, plants, birds and butterflies fills this reserve with year-round colour – and enjoy fantastic views of the Clwydian Range!



OS Map Reference

OS Explorer Map 265
A static map of Aberduna Nature Reserve

Know before you go

20 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Parking is sometimes available at the Wildlife Trust office on the R at the first sharp bend (please inform office staff to avoid your car being locked in); else park in Maeshafn and use the map provided to find one of the entrances to the reserve.

Grazing animals

Sheep, all year round. Ponies, August to December. Do not approach the ponies or sheep that graze the site.

Walking trails

On public footpaths, steep in places



Footpaths pass through the reserve but can be steep, and the terrain is not suitable for prams or wheelchairs. 


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When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

Aberduna is a striking 20-hectare reserve offering stunning views across the Alyn valley to Moel Famau and the Clwydian Range. The entire site is underlain by limestone, which strongly influences the habitats found on the reserve: woodland with glades, scrub, bracken, calcareous grassland, areas of exposed limestone and small ponds. During spring and summer the site is full of wildflowers – bluebell, early purple orchid, fragrant orchid, cowslip, common rock-rose and moonwort within the grassland areas, and upland enchanter’s nightshade, herb-paris, wood sorrel, wood anemone and goldilocks buttercup within the woodland. Dog-violets grow in the dappled shade of the coppiced woodland and bracken, providing food for the caterpillars of small pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies.

Grazing grassland, thinning trees
The diverse plant community present on the dry limestone grassland is maintained primarily by ponies and sheep, which generally graze from September to March. Bracken and scrub is prevented from becoming too dominant to benefit the wildflowers. Glade creation and tree thinning occurs within the mixed broadleaved woodland to create a mix of tree ages and heights as well as encourage native ground flora to flourish. Logs and branches are left on the woodland floor to provide deadwood habitat for fungi and invertebrates as well as hibernation sites for amphibians.

Did you know?
The limestone that underlies Aberduna was formed by the remains of marine animals and plants that lived 350 million years ago when this land lay south of the equator under warm tropical seas.

Aberduna is 3 miles South West of Mold. From Mold, follow the A494 and take the Left turning to Maeshafn after passing through Gwernymynydd.

Contact us

Jordan Hurst
Contact number: 01248 351541
Aberduna Nature Reserve

Aberduna Nature Reserve © Damian Hughes

Reserve guide and map

NWWT Aberduna Nature Reserve

NWWT Aberduna Nature Reserve

Volunteer sawing

Katrina Martin / 2020VISION


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A red squirrel sits on a tree branch in the snow in winter. The colour of the branch and snow match almost exactly the squirrels red-brown coat and white underside.
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A small boy carrying a stick, walking through a woodland with large old trees and bluebells carpeting the floor. Behind him is a young girl running up to him, and a woman bending down to look at the flowers.
From £4.00 a month

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