Gogarth Nature Reserve


Copyright Wales Coast Path

Gogarth Nature Reserve panel

Gogarth Nature Reserve © Rob Booth

Pyramidal orchid

Pyramidal orchid - Paul Lane

A close up of a bright blue butterfly, with thick black outline to the back wings, and thin black lines radiating out from it's body on each wing. It's antennae are black with small pale blue bands nearer the head. The background is a bright green mottled colour, of out of focus vegetation.

Silver studded blue © Guy Edwardes2020VISION

A close up of a single chough, a black bird with bright red beak and feet. Walking up a rocky cliff face. The rock is tinted red, and covered in bright yellow and pale green white lichens.

Chough © Mike Snelle


Kestrel © Steve Waterhouse

Gogarth Nature Reserve

A slice of limestone grassland and maritime heath on the western slopes of the famous Great Orme, teeming with butterflies and wildflowers.


LL30 2XA

OS Map Reference

OS Explorer Map OL17
A static map of Gogarth Nature Reserve

Know before you go

3 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Park at the bottom of Marine Drive along West Shore. Walk up the west side of the Great Orme to the reserve.

Grazing animals

Sheep and goats, all year round.

Walking trails

There are no paths on the reserve, it is best viewed from Marine Drive above.


Sandwiched between Llys Helig and Marine Drives on the west side of the Great Orme.
This site sits on a steeply sloping grassy bank, which makes walking difficult. It is best viewed from Marine Drive above.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Spring and summer

About the reserve

The steep angle of this site has probably helped to keep it protected – especially when the grass is frequently interspersed with patches of prickly gorse and blackthorn scrub! Thankfully, viewing it from Marine Drive is actually a great way to see two of the reserve’s most special species: playful, chattering choughs and the beautiful silver-studded blue butterfly (here, in fact, a subspecies found only on and around the Great Orme). The grassland is rich with limestone-loving flowers – common and hoary rock-rose, wild thyme, pyramidal orchid, eyebright, carline thistle and tormentil – and, at night, the faint green lights of glow-worms move amongst the grass.


Grazing by goats

The Wildlife Trust’s management here aims to keep a careful balance between plant-rich grassland and the scrub that birds need for nesting.  To help achieve this, the site is grazed by sheep and goats, whilst gorse and blackthorn are manually controlled to contain their spread.

Did you know?

The name ‘Orme’ is thought to come from the old Norse word ‘urm’ or ‘orm’, meaning sea serpent.  This refers to the headland’s appearance, rising from the sea like a snake’s head.

Gogarth is found on the west side of the Great Orme. Take the A546 to Llandudno’s West Shore, leaving this road for West Parade to keep the sea as close as possible on the Left. Park around where this road merges into Abbey Road and walk up and onto Marine Drive. After approximately 15 minutes, head into the small shelter on the Left (SH 759 831) – you are over-looking the reserve from here.

Contact us

North Wales Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01248 351541