Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Y Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Y Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve


Chiffchaff - Janet Packham Photography

A nuthatch, a small bird with yellow belly and grey wings, and a distinctive black eye stripe. Stood on a broken piece of wood that is dark from recent rain and growing vegetation. The nuthatch is facing left but with it's head turned slightly forward so it appears to be looking directly into the camera.

Nuthatch © Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Lesser Celandine

Lesser Celandine_Ross Hoddinott2020Vision

Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Woodland, streams, wildflowers and ponds – this diverse nature reserve is filled with life and deeply connected to its unique geology.




OS Map Reference

OS Explorer Map 265
A static map of Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Know before you go

4 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Small car park by the main entrance, additional parking 5 minutes walk away in lay by on A541

Grazing animals


Walking trails

A circular path around the reserve 


An easy gradient pathway to the east side of the reserve, though this can become muddy.
The circular path around the reserve is mostly flat, easy walking but currently unsuitable for wheelchairs because of steps in some places. It can be wet and slippery after rain. 


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Summer for meadow flowers and emerging dragonflies

About the reserve

This former quarry site today flourishes as a wildlife-rich patchwork of woodland, grassland, ponds and river. The limestone-rich soils create perfect conditions for grassland wildflowers such as kidney vetch, cowslips, St John’s-wort and common spotted-orchid. The dappled sunlight matches the whites and yellows of the springtime flowers that cover the woodland floor, accompanied by the calming soundtrack of running water and birdsong. Whilst the lush green woodland canopy is made up of sycamore, ash and willow, the lower storey is made up of hawthorn, elder and hazel. The unusual geological characteristics of the site (its residual marl clay, left following the quarrying of tufa) help capture rainwater, forming ponds favoured by all three native species of newt – smooth, palmate and great crested – as well as grass snakes and many dragonflies.


Thinning, planting and ponds

The key with managing all habitats at Ddôl Uchaf is to maintain variety – ensuring everything remains in balance. The woodland is selectively thinned to manage the age structure and make sure that there are areas of open canopy, allowing natural regeneration to take place. Every autumn, the grassland is cut by hand using scythes in order to maintain its rich species diversity. Portions of the ponds are cleared and silt removed every year to make sure that the water remains open.  


The reserve is located approx. 1 km east of Afonwen, Flintshire, on the A541 between Mold and Denbigh. Heading East, turn Left off the A541 at Y Ddôl Chapel and follow the lane for 400m. Turn Left at the junction – the entrance and car park are on the Left opposite The Mill (SJ 142 713).

Contact us

Paul Furnborough
Contact number: 01248 351541
Y Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Y Ddol Uchaf Nature Reserve

Reserve Guide and map

2 people in outdoor clothing, woolly hats and waterproofs, walking through an open field towards a hilly landscape with lots of tree cover.

People Walking 

Himalayan balsam bashing at Parish Field

© Jess Minett - WaREN 


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