A licence was issued earlier this month, following the public consultation held by Natural Resources Wales last autumn. Over the past two weeks we have been busy preparing for the arrival of the beavers.
On Friday 26th March the first part of a family group, father and son arrived and were released in the enclosure by Iolo Williams, Naturalist and Television Presenter. The mother is still in Scotland, but will soon follow and re-join her family in a few weeks.
The beavers are here!
Beaver release at Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve by Iolo Williams © Emyr Evans Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

Beaver release at Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve by Iolo Williams © Emyr Evans Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust
Iolo Williams: “It was a real honour to be asked to help release the beavers at Cors Dyfi. Finally, after more than four centuries, these wonderful animals are back where they belong and I’m sure they will prove to be as big an attraction as their osprey neighbours.”
The beavers themselves have had quite a journey from Scotland to Wales. They were sourced under licence from NatureScot by Dr Roisin Campbell-Palmer, field biologist and beaver expert, who works to relocate beavers from conflict sites in parts of Scotland. Roisin works closely with landowners predominantly in the farming sector, to offer an alternative to lethal control. The beavers are trapped and translocated according to best animal welfare practices and they undergo health screening at a purpose-built facility at Five Sisters Zoo, West Calder to ensure they are fit and healthy.
Five Sisters Zoo and Dr Roisin Campbell-Palmer: “We are very happy to be involved in moving animals to high quality fully licensed beaver projects in which their natural behaviours are encouraged.”
Jenny Bryce, NatureScot Wildlife Ecology Manager:
“We’re very pleased to be able to help with this project by licensing the trapping and moving of beavers from Scotland to Cors Dyfi nature reserve in Wales. Beavers can have hugely positive impacts on nature and people, creating habitats such as ponds and wetlands where other species thrive, as well as moderating water flows and improving water quality. We wish the Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust every success and look forward to supporting similar projects elsewhere to realise the many benefits that beavers can provide.”
Alicia Leow-Dyke, Welsh Beaver Project officer: "Although this project is not a reintroduction to the wild, having beavers at a visitor hub like Cors Dyfi will help to inform people about their behaviour and how their natural activity can actively support ecosystem restoration. The beavers and habitat will be regularly monitored by Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers. Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust and the Welsh Beaver Project are really excited to welcome the new beaver family."
We can’t wait for the mother to arrive and we are really excited to see what the beavers will get up to on the reserve.