The turnout for the Plast-off beach clean at Cable Bay was good, with our forum splitting into 3 different teams to run it. Zak and Oliver ran nature walks to teach the public about the environment, and when they were not leading the walks, they were helping with the beach clean. Ellie ran a “Prize Every Time” game to raise money for future events and raised £32, whilst Luke and Abi sorted the litter into bags of recyclable materials and general waste. Callum and I were in charge of signing people up for the Wilder Future campaign and helped with the beach clean when possible. The weather didn’t help but everyone did their best to stay warm and dry and carried on, sharing many laughs along the way.
Plast-off 2019 was a success, as not only did we remove 76.7kg of litter but we also raised more people’s awareness as to just how much litter ends up on our coastlines.
We’re hoping to run more large-scale community beach cleans like this in the future, and not just on Anglesey. Keep an eye on the events page of the NWWT website for more information:
We’ll see you on the beach!