Reaping the benefits

Reaping the benefits

Last year, volunteering on our nature reserves increased by an amazing 20%!

Between April 2018 and March 2019, our wonderful volunteers carried out over 12,000 volunteer hours of practical conservation work on our nature reserves across North Wales. This is almost a 20% increase on the previous year – and all of those hours spent scrub-clearing, bracken-bashing and tree-popping means that our nature reserves are now awash with a wonderful array of wild flowers! 

Pyramidal orchid

Pyramidal orchid © Katy Haines

Now is the perfect time of year to witness first-hand the results of all of this hard work.  Throughout June, there are lots of guided walks taking place on our nature reserves – so, if you’d like to know your bogbean from your bog asphodel or your rock-rose from your salad burnet, why not come along and join us? 

For instance, for an opportunity to discover the wildlife making its home on a more suburban site, you could join our Reserves Officer at our Eithinog Nature Reserve in Bangor on 11 June (17.30  – 19:00). There are yet more events listed on our website!

Please come along and enjoy the fruits of all our hard-working volunteers’ labour.  You never know – it might just tempt you to volunteer yourself!