Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve meadow
Aerial view of Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Aerial view of Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve (c) Pat Waring

Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Greater butterfly orchid

Greater butterfly orchid_Philip Precey

A plant with very pointy segmented leaves, and small yellow flowers, in a field of grass.

Philip Precey

Green woodpecker

Margaret Holland


Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Swathed in wildflowers in spring and summer and offering lovely views of the coast, this traditional hay meadow offers a glimpse of our countryside’s past.


Clynnog Fawr
LL54 5DL

OS Map Reference

OS Explorer Map OL254
A static map of Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Know before you go

5 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Off-road carpark open year-round

Grazing animals

Cattle, autumn. Sheep, winter. Ponies, spring and summer. Be aware that livestock graze some parts of the reserve most of the year round, so please close gates behind you and keep dogs on leads at all times.

Walking trails

There are no paths - walk down through the meadows. The wet grassland and woodland further down the hill is very boggy year-round.


Take care visiting the lower, wetter fields too ... wellies are a must!


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Late Spring and Summer

About the reserve

With their clawdd (earth and stone) walls, these fields are a visible reminder of how farming practices have drastically changed over the last century. It is estimated that the UK has lost 97% of its traditionally managed hay meadows since the 1930s – making this reserve all the more important. The reserve is at its most colourful in late June and early July, when the delicate white flowers of the greater butterfly-orchid carpet the fields. Their pale colour is highlighted amongst the brighter tones of the eyebright, bird’s-foot trefoil and black knapweed that fill the site. The lower, wetter fields are a mosaic of wet grassland and willow carr, which provides excellent nesting habitat for migrant birds such as willow and grasshopper warblers. 

Traditional hay meadow
In partnership with landowners Plantlife, traditional hay meadow management methods have been used on the upper, drier meadows for at least 30 years. These include light cattle grazing in autumn and winter, taking a hay crop in late summer, and avoiding adding any artificial fertilisers or chemicals. In recent years, wildflower seed has been donated from this reserve to create new wildflower meadows elsewhere in Gwynedd. The lower, wetter mire is grazed by ponies in the spring and summer. Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers control bracken encroachment into the hay meadows to prevent excessive shading of native wildflowers, whilst also controlling willow in the mire to maintain open and wet conditions. 

Coronation Meadow

The stunning flower-rich mosaic of small fields at the magical Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve, is cared for by North Wales Wildlife Trust and owned by Plantlife. In 2022 roadside verges near the 2023 Eisteddfod site in Boduan were recipients of its green hay and will welcome visitors with colourful flowers, buzzing with life. Seed from Caeau Tan y Bwlch has also been spread along the main road outside Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve in Penrhyndeudraeth.t.

Coronation Meadows were launched in 2013 by King Charles (when he was Prince of Wales) as his tribute to Queen Elizabeth, on the anniversary of her Coronation. The aim of the project was to create a new meadow in every UK county. It was led by Plantlife, The Wildlife Trusts and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, with funding from Biffa Award and Natural Resources Wales. 

Turn off the A499 from Caernarfon to Pwllheli into the village of Clynnog Fawr. Take the 2nd (sharp) Left and then turn immediately Right by the school, signposted to Capel Uchaf. Proceed about ¾ mile uphill and take the first Right uphill (concealed and unsigned). Continue up this winding, single-track road for about 1 mile. After a 90˚ turn to the Left, the reserve’s car park is a further 150 metres on your Left through a field gate (SH 430 488).

Contact us

Luke Jones
Contact number: 01248 351541
A Greater butterfly orchid, with whitish-green flowers that have spreading petals and sepals - a bit like the wings of a butterfly.

Greater butterfly orchid © Philip Precey.

A small boy carrying a stick, walking through a woodland with large old trees and bluebells carpeting the floor. Behind him is a young girl running up to him, and a woman bending down to look at the flowers.

Family walking though bluebells © Tom Marshall

Vegetation monitoring at Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Vegetation monitoring at Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve


Find out more
Aerial view of Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve

Aerial view of Caeau Tan y Bwlch Nature Reserve (c) Pat Waring

Reserve guide and map
