Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
What is a Nudibranch?
Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are much like their land-based relatives that you may spot in your garden. But, unlike your regular garden slug, the nudibranch can incorporate the stinging…
What’s the buzz!
The Asian hornet has yet to be spotted in Wales. Nonetheless, with the increase of activity in England it could be just a matter of time before we get our first sighting in Wales. Gareth Holland-…
What we do
What a busy week!
Latest update from Llyn Brenig and the osprey pair. 3rd may 2022
Change what you eat
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.
What to feed hedgehogs and badgers
Putting out a bit of food can help see mammals like hedgehogs through colder spells.
Watch what you wash away
Some cosmetics, soaps, washing-up liquids and cleaning products can be harmful to wildlife with long-lasting effects.
What's On
Find your local Wildlife Trust event and get stuck in to wild activities, talks, walks and much more.
Honeycomb worm
Ever spotted a honeycomb-like mound on the beach and wondered what it was? It's a reef built entirely by worms!
Small-spotted catshark
Small-spotted catsharks used to be called lesser-spotted dogfish - which might be what you know them best as. It's the same shark, just a different name!
Rock dove
The wild rock dove is the ancestor to what is probably our most familiar bird - the feral pigeon, which is often found in large numbers in our towns and cities.