@Brenig Osprey Project
©Mark Roberts NWWT
@Brenig Osprey Project
What a busy week up at Llyn Brenig. A bit like buses, your always waiting for one then three come along and so the same thing happened this week at Brenig, as we now have three eggs on the nest.
Although completely expected from the timings of LM6 and LJ2s arrival back from migration from western Africa and their subsequent attempts at mating, which we now know to have been successful. Yay!!
LJ2 (male) arrived back on the 6th of April, with LM6 (female) joining him on the 10th. The first egg was then laid at 8.24am on the 25th April, the second egg laid 28th April at 10.17am and the third egg laid May the 1st at 10:16am in the rain. LM6 is doing a fantastic job of looking after the eggs and LJ2 is stepping in whenever she needs a break and its been fascinating watching it all from the Lookout and on the live stream.
Osprey incubation period is about 35-37 days so we should expect the first bob (chick) to hatch around the 1st of June, exciting times!
We will keep you all updated don`t you worry and our Lookout will be open most days 11-5.
It was also nice to have a visit from North Wales Police this week to the Lookout, who have been supporting us and our volunteers to make sure the nest has as much protection as possible.