

©Lizzie Wilberforce


The pink, frayed flowers of Ragged-robin are an increasingly rare sight as our wild wetland habitats disappear. You can help: grow native plants in your garden and enjoy the hum of visiting insects.

Scientific name

Lychnis flos-cuculi

When to see

May to August

Species information


Height: up to 75cm


Swaying in a gentle breeze, the delicate, pink flowers of Ragged-robin can be a joy to behold in any wildflower meadow, damp pasture or woodland ride. But it's not just passing humans that benefit from its star-shaped blooms - bumblebees, butterflies and Honeybees all enjoy the nectar it produces. A favourite among gardeners, try planting Ragged-Robin in a boggy area or flower border and see who comes to visit.

How to identify

Ragged-robin is a perennial. It has much-divided, pink flowers (hence the name 'Ragged') and narrow, grass-like leaves.


Found almost everywhere in the UK.

Did you know?

Perhaps you don't know what to do with a waterlogged area of your garden, or you fancy extending the borders of your pond to make it more wildlife-friendly? If this is the case, a bog garden could be the ideal answer. Moisture-loving plants, such as Ragged-Robin, will thrive here, attracting dragonflies, bees and butterflies, which, in turn, bring frogs, toads and other animals. To find out more visit our Wild About Gardens website.