Blog: Marine


Snorkelling - Anna Williams North Wales Wildlife Trust


Snorkelling can introduce you to another world of wildlife. The underwater environment is a different realm and with a buddy and some care, it can be explored safely.

Leatherback female at Matura, Trinidad

Our Leatherbacks/Crwbanod môr cefn-lledr ni

Every summer our seas welcome marine turtles which come in after their favourite food – jellyfish. We’ve had all but one of the seven marine turtle species appear in UK waters.

Gannet flying - Richard Shucksmith


Encountering wildlife in its natural environment is a privilege and, while spending time scanning the open sea can be therapeutic in itself, coupled with chance encounters these experiences can…

Sea stars - some of the Living Seas Champions

Picnics, rocky shores and friendships for life

Three of our Living Seas Champions have developed a firm friendship through their love of the rockyshore and the need to be a part of helping to conserve the special patch of nature that is…

Lugworm casts - Lowri Roberts

Tracks in the sand

A bare foot wander on the beach leaves you feeling refreshed and at this time of year, having warmed up a little bit, the trek is not too arduous. Look around you. You may not realise it, but even…

Aeolida filomena eggs - Allan Rowat

Spring in the sea

Nia Jones (Living Seas Manager) describes some of the events in a typical marine spring.

Sandwich tern - Ben Stammers


Ben Stammers, our People and Wildlife Officer for Anglesey, describes the bird movements we're seeing in Spring and why it's a great time to get out and watch our seabirds.

Native oysters bagged and on trestles in the Humber

Oyster reintroduction on the Humber Estuary

Amy Pickford, one of our Living Seas Volunteers in 2019, has moved on to new pastures. Here she gives a summary of the native oyster reintroduction work she's been doing with our colleagues…

Cemlyn Nature Reserve

Marine Advisory Group

Providing expert advice to the North Wales Wildlife Trust (NWWT) on marine issues.