Kenfig National Nature Reserve
Yn ddiweddar ymwelodd Jess Minett, swyddog prosiect Rhwydwaith Ecolegol Gwydn Cymru ar gyfer De a Chanolbarth Cymru, â Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cynffig, Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig…
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Yn ddiweddar ymwelodd Jess Minett, swyddog prosiect Rhwydwaith Ecolegol Gwydn Cymru ar gyfer De a Chanolbarth Cymru, â Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cynffig, Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig…
A wonderful reed bed and woodland site filled with wildflowers, birdsong and facilities that allow you to get closer to wildlife.
Corslwyn ryfeddol a choetir yn llawn blodau gwyllt, cân adar a chyfleusterau sy’n rhoi cyfle i chi fynd yn nes at natur.
Wedi'i ariannu gan Gronfa Gymunedol Gwynt y Môr a Chronfa Gymunedol Estyniad Banc Burbo, drwy ddatblygu dros 400m o lwybr pren mae gwirfoddolwyr yn trawsnewid Big Pool Wood i fod yn warchodfa…
Funded by Gwynt y Môr Community Fund and Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund, volunteers are transforming Big Pool Wood into a nature reserve that everyone can enjoy visiting by developing over…
The sheer variety of trees, plants, birds and butterflies fills this reserve with year-round colour – and enjoy fantastic views of the Clwydian Range!
A fantastic post-industrial nature reserve with an explosive history.
Recently the Wales Resilient Ecological Network South and mid-Wales project officer, Jess Minett, visited Kenfig National Nature Reserve, a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in…
A lovely slice of broadleaf woodland creating a wildlife corridor, joining and contrasting with the large coniferous plantations of this remote valley.
A wild sanctuary set in a sea of agricultural land, this secluded peat bog is home to a colourful array of specialist plants and animals.
A real wildlife haven with a spectacular seabird colony at its heart. A visit to Cemlyn is filled with possibility – you never know what might turn up!