Coed Cilygroeslwyd Nature Reserve

Wood anemone © Bruce Shortland

Hawfinch © Andy Morffew

Bluebells - Katrina Martin 2020Vision
Coed Cilygroeslwyd Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
Spring for dawn chorus, pied flycatchers and wild daffodilsAbout the reserve
This mixed-broadleaf and yew woodland holds many surprises – not least that it’s probably not as old as one would think, despite its wildflowers (wood anemone, sweet woodruff, sanicle and bluebell) being more usually associated with ancient woodlands. The site’s underlying geology may explain this: the woodland is situated on a large expanse of limestone pavement, with the cracks creating the perfect microclimate to enable these plants to have survived even when the original ancient woodland had disappeared and the land been grazed. Whilst oak and ash make up most of the canopy, more unusual are the areas of yew, whose seeds are a favourite winter food of hawfinches. (This is the only such yew woodland in Clwyd.) Another rarity found at this site is limestone woundwort, the county flower of Denbighshire, found at only two sites in Wales.
Coed Cilygroeslwyd lies 2 miles South of Ruthin on the A494. Heading South on this road, turn Left at the signpost for Llanfair DC and park in the layby (SJ 127 553) making sure not to block the field gate. Walk back over the bridge, carefully cross the A494, and follow the signposted footpath up to the reserve (SJ 124 552). Alternative parking and refreshments are available at Siop Pwll-glas: use a map to follow public rights of way up the lane (past Capel y Rhiw) and across fields to the reserve.