After many years’ service, Richard Williams has just retired as a voluntary warden at Spinnies Aberogwen. He has been visiting the reserve every week, maintaining and refilling bird feeders outside the two hides – most often at his own expense. Watching the birds gives great pleasure to many visitors – including photographers, who are amazed to see woodland birds (including treecreeper, coal tits and even the very occasional hawfinch) at such close quarters.
The hero of Spinnies Aberogwen
SpinniesAberogwen Nature Reserve_Brian McGarry
Why have visitor numbers at Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve leapt up since Richard began volunteering?

Richard Williams volunteer at NWWT Spinnies Abergowen nature reserve © Steve Ransome
Throughout his time with the Wildlife Trust, Richard has worked closely with our staff – helping to manage the reserve at regular work parties, improving the paths, putting up nest boxes and taking on additional DIY jobs. It is largely thanks to Richard that the Spinnies enjoys such a high reputation with members and visitors – we’re very lucky to have had him!