News: Beavers


beaver wildlife trust

Beavers – in the past or future of Wales?

A recent survey by University of Exeter found that almost 89% of survey respondents in Wales support beavers living in Wales 💚

Find out more about beavers and read the full survey report…

A close up shot of a beaver, a large semi aquatic rodent, with it's head just left of the centre of the picture, and facing left. Surrounded by reeds and grasses, it's lower half submerged in water, and it's tail end off screen. One eye is visible and appears to be looking directly at the camera.

Cors Dyfi beaver family reunited!

Following on from the release of the male beaver, ‘Barti’, and his son in late March, the mother beaver has now been reunited with her family group. The whole beaver family is now together at…

Beaver release at Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve by Iolo Williams

The beavers are here!

After many months of planning and discussions we finally saw the arrival of beavers at Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust’s Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve!


Cors Dyfi: beaver receiver!

Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve might be most famous for its ospreys but they’ll soon be joined by two new, ground-dwelling arrivals! After many, many months of planning and discussions, Montgomeryshire…


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