Wrexham Industrial Estate Living Landscape - Businesses

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© NWWT Jonathan Hulson

Wrexham Industrial Estate Living Landscape


*** STOP PRESS ***

We are joining the effort to help businesses affected by the pandemic by offering socially-distanced picnic areas on the estate.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help keep your staff safe during the pandemic by utilising your grounds. We use recycled plastic picnic tables that last a generation and can be spaced out to keep staff apart in the fresh air on their breaks and at lunchtime.

Plastic picnic tables (c) British Recycled Plastic

'Biodiversity means Business' - What's it all about?

Bringing the economy, society and environment together will have benefits for businesses. This approach can increase the bottom line for companies and works towards solving the twin climate and biodiversity crises. We want to work with you to achieve these goals by undertaking improvements on your grounds.

Contact us today

Jonny and Village Bakery - Wrexham Industrial Estate

Village Bakery wildflowers - Wrexham Industrial Estate © NWWT

Benefits to you

The benefits to businesses of incorporating green spaces into their surroundings can be manifold. Here is a selection of the benefits which are known to help company's function better, lower costs, contribute to wider social and environmental issues and accreditation.

Benefits to businesses infographic3
Natural picnic area

Natural picnic area - open licence

Services we offer

The Wildlife Trust are experts at delivering natural solutions to help promote biodiversity and social well-being and engagement. We have undertaken the following services on the industrial estate and can offer these to you to embrace the unique opportunities your land-holding presents.

Services we offer infographic1
Hi-mark hedge, Wrexham Industrial Estate


Case Studies

The following information champions a selection of the businesses that have joined the project and exemplifies the kind of works that we can undertake on your grounds:

Clays Golf Club

Clays Golf Club occupies a large area of land at the edge of the estate which supports a wide diversity of wildlife thanks to the management for the golf course. They have worked with us to improve that further by installing a barn owl box and planting a woodland strip along the border of their land to act as a natural boundary and corridor.

Clay Golf Club, Wrexham Industrial Estate


Commercial and Industrial Gauges

CIG, the manufacturing and supply company off Abenbury Way, are working with us to improve their grounds for visiting customers to enjoy, and nature will benefit in the process. We restored a traditional wildflower meadow which is full of the eye-catching ox-eye daisy in summer. A new seating area has been designed and created out of limestone which will be both a nice area to eat lunch in the sun and good for butterflies.

CIG LTD, Wrexham Industrial Estate


PIcnic Area and wildflower meadow at CIG LTD, Wrexham Industrial Estate

PIcnic Area and wildflower meadow at CIG LTD, Wrexham Industrial Estate


Ecodek, producer of environmentally friendly, recycled, plastic decking, agreed to have a wildflower verge sowed in recent years to improve the look of the site to workers and customers alike. These strips of vivid wildflowers provide a great source of nectar to insects in what would otherwise be mown grassland with few flowers. Wildflower verges are some of the most visible and therefore most popular works we do on the estate.



Hauck UK (Corporate Member)

Hauck UK, producer of equipment for children, occupies an important site that we are working on to help the rare grizzled skipper butterfly. By collaborating we have improved the area for the butterfly as well as preserved bee orchids, and we will also be installing swift boxes to help this declining bird species. The new wildflower verge is the latest development which will bring colour to the area and pollinating plants for insects.

Hauck Fun for Kids LTD

© Google

Hoya Lens UK

Hoya, providing tailored optimised experiences – both for the Eye Care Professional and the glasses wearer, have worked with us to create a nature reserve on their grounds, accessible for people by adding pathways to a wild area and creating new habitats on a former football pitch. Plans underway in the new area include an orchard, picnic areas, woodland and wildflower meadow which will be alive with wildlife and colour for people to relax in.

Hoya Lens UK, Wrexham Industrial Estate



Proserve, who supply multi-disciplinary services and logistics to companies, have worked with us to manage a mitigation site for nature following an extension to their unit. Together we are improving a wildflower meadow and planted trees along the boundary which helps connect the ancient woodland of Erlas Black Wood to other areas on the estate. Developments can work in harmony with nature conservation when we collaborate to achieve net gains.

Proserve, Wrexham Industrial Estate

© Google

Rowan Foods (Corporate Member)

Rowan Foods, major producer of retailer label prepared foods, have collaborated with us to undertake a range of improvements to benefit both the workers and wildlife. Together we have put in place a picnic area, barn owl box, daffodil planting and, excitingly, going forward we will continue to manage their grounds into the future. The grounds are home to rare plants including bee orchids which will be encouraged with sympathetic management.

Rowan Foods orchard

Village Bakery

Village Bakery, the well-known local producer of breads and pastry, lies at the heart of the industrial estate and are working with the Wildlife Trust to help save wildlife on a number of projects. We are managing Erlas Black Wood: opening it up for the public and school groups to visit and marvel at the ancient trees and majestic woodland plants. We also work together to manage a development mitigation area and create eye-catching wildflower verges at the front of the factory every year.

Village Bakery wildflower meadow
The bottom half of the picture is taken up with a carpet of wood anemones, small white flowers with pointed leaves resembling stars, with lush green leaves covering the ground. The top half features the woodland in the background, out of focus, with flares of light as it passes through the leaves on the trees giving them an almost glowing appearance.

Erlas Black Wood - Wrexham Industrial Estate (c) NWWT

Wrexham Golf Club

Wrexham Golf Club, near the entrance to the estate, are keen to see nature thrive on their site and we have installed two barn owl boxes for them. The owls hunt over the rough grassland along the edge of the course, which supports the voles that they can eat and feed to their young. The golf course also has many trees which play an important role in absorbing carbon to help tackle climate change.

Wrexham Golf Club, Wrexham Industrial Estate

© Wrexham Golf Club

Business awards poster1


Business Awards

We are announcing the 'Biodiversity Means Business' awards, which are being presented in early 2021 to businesses who have joined the Living Landscape project!
Henry Cook
Living Landscape officer
A small slope, with trees growing higher up on it, lots of green leaves and a pale blue sky just visible through the woodland. At the bottom of the hill in a more shaded area are hundreds of bluebells, small delicate flowers, with dark blue bell shaped flowerheads, that droop at the top of the stem, that carpet the woodland floor.

Coed y Felin bluebells © NWWT Jonathan Hulson

Corporate Support

For businesses who wish to support environmental improvements in alternative ways to land management on their grounds, we offer 'Natural Partnerships'. This corporate support of the trust allows us to undertake our work right around North Wales on nature reserves and in the wider landscape and seas. There are many benefits to supporting the trust in this way and it can help you obtain your environmental goals.

Find out more

Contact us today to join the project

Henry Cook, Living Landscape Project Officer



North Wales Wildlife Trust,
CH7 5LD.