Blog: Species


Two Tufted Ducks

How to identify diving ducks

This winter, why not take a moment to learn about these fascinating animals.

This blog, embedded with a video, will give you an introduction on the nature of diving ducks before taking you…

Giant House Spider

Living with spiders

Every autumn, headlines warn about spiders invading our homes. But what’s the real story with our eight-legged neighbours?

A close up of a bright red mushroom with a white stem and white spots on the cap. A perfect fairytale toadstool. With another smaller mushroom just behind it and surrounded by vibrant orange leaves on the woodland floor.

The secret world of fungi

What do you think of when you hear the word fungi? For some thoughts might turn to mouth-watering mushrooms, carefully foraged from a supermarket shelf. For others it might conjure images of fairy…

Gannet flying - Richard Shucksmith


Encountering wildlife in its natural environment is a privilege and, while spending time scanning the open sea can be therapeutic in itself, coupled with chance encounters these experiences can…