Foraging and wildlife walk with Jules Cooper

Jules, Cors Goch Foraging 

Jules, Cors Goch Foraging © Caroline Bateson NWWT.

Foraging and wildlife walk with Jules Cooper

Forage for edible and medicinal plants and record wildlife as we walk. Taste delicious wild snacks made by expert forager Jules Cooper.

Event details

Meeting point

Cors Goch layby entrance to reserve near Brynteg, LL78 8JZ. W3W ///winds.colder.mouths


11:00am - 3:30pm
A static map of Foraging and wildlife walk with Jules Cooper

About the event

Jules Cooper is an expert local forager who makes delicious wild foods. She'll tell us all about the properties and folk lore of each plant we forage as we walk around this beautiful wetland nature reserve.

North Wales Wildlife Trust staff will identify some of the plants, birds and insects we find. We'll make a species list of everything we see as part of our Nature Counts project.

This event is suitable for experts and beginners.

The event organiser speaks conversational Welsh, please feel free to use Welsh or English during this event.

Why not bring along a foraging guide from our online shop? Every purchase supports our work to protect and restore nature in North Wales!

This event is part of our Nature Counts project. During our events, we'll be recording the species we find as part of a citizen science project to help us manage our nature reserves and local habitats




Additional booking information

Booking essential

Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners

Know before you go


No dogs permitted


Please note, there are no toilet facilities at this event. 

Please lift share if you can as there is roadside parking only. 


What to bring

Bring waterproof walking shoes or wellies, note book and pen, water and a packed lunch. Wild food snacks and a hot drink will be provided.

Dress for the weather conditions on the day. Some rough and wet ground will be encountered. Please wear appropriate footwear.


Parking information

Please try and park in the big layby and walk along the road to the reserve entrance, W3W ///enjoys.depending.shuffles

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