Welsh Government gives thumbs up to beavers in Wales
Welsh Government supports the managed re-introduction of European beaver in Wales.
A huge moment for Blue Carbon Mapping in the UK!
Today, the Wildlife Trusts, in collaboration with WWF, RSPB and the Scottish Association of Marine Science have launched the The Blue…
Free the beaver! A new vision for beavers in England and Wales
The Wildlife Trusts say: end enclosures and take action for beavers to be wild
Bryn Ifan: an end of year summary
During our recent AGM, I had the opportunity to discuss some of the work we’ve been doing at Bryn Ifan. Quite a few people asked about…
Goodbye to our Marine Futures interns!
Find out what our marine futures interns have been up to during the second half of the internship, as well as what they have taken out…
Festive myths and folklore
Sophie Baker, communications officer at Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust, explores our native species…
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