Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Make your own wildflower meadow
Get wild at home
Daffodil delights!
The truly wild daffodil is an increasingly rare sight in North Wales – but there’s a Wildlife Trust reserve where you can see these iconic spring flowers ...
Spring equinox mindful yoga walk
Greet spring, a time for growth and renewal, with a Daoist Flow Yoga walk, blending mindfulness with gentle yoga and nature.
How to build a bird box
With natural nesting sites in decline, adding a nestbox to your garden can make all the difference to your local birds.
Bryn Ifan - thank you
Pretty choughed with Anglesey’s choughs!
The results of this years' Anglesey chough count are in! Megan Stone, one of our Stand For Nature Wales youth forum members, gives us an insight into carrying out chough surveys, and shares…
How to identify diving ducks
This winter, why not take a moment to learn about these fascinating animals.
This blog, embedded with a video, will give you an introduction on the nature of diving ducks before taking you…
Empowering the next generation: highlights from our Climate and Conservation Traineeship 2023
Megan Parkinson, Youth Development Officer, shares some of the highlights from our 5th annual Conservation and Climate Traineeship where twelve young people from across Anglesey enjoyed learning…
My reward
Carole has been volunteering at Idle Valley for seven years now; whilst she used to get involved with the heavy work out on the reserve, the garden is now her domain, working with the Recovery…