Discover more about our amazing wildlife in the UK! Learn more about the plants and animals on your doorstep.
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Discover more about our amazing wildlife in the UK! Learn more about the plants and animals on your doorstep.
The hustle and bustle of city life melts away when Kathryn visits Camley Street Natural Park. Without leaving central London, she can go from man-made soaring skyscrapers to an oasis-like…
Bev is grateful to live down the road from Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, a 210ha wetland site which stores excess water from the River Torne during times of high
rainfall. This saved her…
Nora’s study of bird behaviour explores how small bird communities flock together to ward off larger predators. Nature has many things to teach us and is now widely acknowledged as a key…
Discover more about our amazing wildlife in the UK! Learn more about the plants and animals on your doorstep.
Cathy, shepherdess, and her border collie Lady have a strong bond with each other – and with nature. From the moment she owned her first lamb Cathy knew that shepherding was the life for her;…
John has been attending the Recovery Project at Idle Valley Nature Reserve for three years. After being diagnosed with dyslexia and getting bullied for several years at school, he was left with…
Mae dolydd o forwellt yn ymledu ar draws gwely’r môr, gyda’u dail gwyrdd trwchus yn cysgodi cyfoeth o fywyd gwyllt, gan gynnwys ein dwy rywogaeth frodorol o fôr-feirch.
Discover more about the UK's amazing natural habitats and the wildlife that live there. From peat bogs and caves, to woodlands and meadows!