Common dog-violet
Our most familiar wild violet, the Common dog-violet can be spotted in a range of habitats from woodland to grassland, hedgerows to pastures. Its pansy-like, purple flowers appear from April to…
Water mint
Water mint grows in damp places and has aromatic leaves that can be used to flavour food and drink. Gathering wild food can be fun, but it's best to do it with an expert - come to a Wildlife…
Guillemots really know how to live life on the edge – quite literally! They nest tightly packed on steep ledges and cliffs around the coast. This may sound like a strange nesting spot, but it…
Prosiect Afancod Cymru
Môr-wenoliaid pigddu’n hwyr yn cyrraedd Cemlyn!
Dim ots pa mor dda da chi’n meddwl eich bod yn adnabod lleoliad a’r bywyd gwyllt uno, mae yna wastad rhywbeth annisgwyl yn troi fyny! Eleni, cawsom brofiad o hyn gyda’r môr-wennoliaid yn cadw ni’…
Gwyllt am yr Wyddgrug
Seashore Winter Wandering!
"There’s no need to wait until the summer to head to the seaside - for me, it really is the best place to spend a wild and wintery weekend!" says Nia Haf Jones, our Living Seas Manager…
Kelp beds and forests
Forests of kelp sway in shallow sunlit waters, offering shelter to a host of sea life from tiny worms to juvenile fish.
Gors Maen Llwyd Nature Reserve
Bursting with wildlife, this spectacular upland heather moorland feels truly wild.
Bethany - Making waves down in Cardiff
A young volunteer from Amlwch has been recognised for her dedication to the Our Wild Coast project at the Welsh Charity Awards.
Tess's School Litter Pick
Inspired by Blue Planet 2, Tess - a primary school pupil from Ysgol Nercwys organised a school trip with Dawn, our Living Seas Projects Officer and Iwan, our Education & Community Officer.…