How to provide bushes for nesting birds
In the spring, birds choose the best locations to build nests, so why not offer them a safe place to settle?
Our only venomous snake, the shy adder can be spotted basking in the sunshine in woodland glades and on heathlands.
Hornwrack is often found washed up on our beaches, with many believing that it is dried seaweed. In fact, it is a colony of animals!
The ragworm is highly common on our shores, though rarely seen except by the fishermen that dig them up for bait.
Cynllun Cyfnewid Planhigion
Yellow archangel
As the bluebells fade, yellow archangel takes its turn to impress, with golden-yellow flowers carpeting our ancient woodlands.
Your Benefits
A few small thank you offers from our Natural Partners.
Razor shell
Their long narrow shells are a common sight on our shores, especially after storms, but the animals themselves live buried in the sand.
My adventure
Kayak adventurer Erin Bastian has been all over the world but sees Cornwall as the holy grail of coastal adventure. From the sea she enjoys a unique perspective of our precious wildlife and knows…
Songs of the Spinnies - Part 3: The Kingfisher Hide
The Spinnies Aberogwen's Kingfisher Hide is the best place to see and listen to the kingfisher. But what other birds can you see and listen to here? In Part 3 of our series 'Song of the…
Bee wolf
One of our largest and most impressive solitary wasps, the bee wolf digs a nest in sandy spots and hunts honey bees.