Natural wonders this February
While February’s weather tends to keep us in our wintery reality, the month also offers up some wildlife delights that can keep us ticking towards the coming spring. In his blog, Sam Finnegan-Dehn…
While February’s weather tends to keep us in our wintery reality, the month also offers up some wildlife delights that can keep us ticking towards the coming spring. In his blog, Sam Finnegan-Dehn…
The bill-shaped seed pods of Common Stork's-bill explode when ripe, sending the seeds flying! This low-growing plant has pretty pink flowers and can be seen on grasslands and coastal sands.…
The shy and retiring bittern is a master of blending in and can be very difficult to spot in its reedbed home. It does sound like a booming foghorn, however, when it calls, so can often be heard…
Woody shrubs and climbers provide food for wildlife, including berries, fruits, seeds, nuts leaves and nectar-rich flowers. So why not plant a shrub garden and see who comes to visit?
The whimbrel is very similar to the curlew, but a little smaller and with a striking face pattern. Its eerie call is a series of seven whistles; listen out for it around the coast as its passes…
It is so easy to miss this clever little moth. It is a master of disguise, blending in perfectly as it looks just like the twig of a birch tree! Flying only at night, the buff-tip moth can be seen…
The Asian hornet has yet to be spotted in Wales. Nonetheless, with the increase of activity in England it could be just a matter of time before we get our first sighting in Wales. Gareth Holland-…
Rob’s job keeps him very busy, whether it’s building a bridge, planting an orchard, monitoring butterflies or maintaining paths. His workload is made easier, though, with the help of valued…
In summer, the sedge warbler can be spotted singing from a reed or willow perch in wetlands across the UK. Males never sing the same song twice, adding new phrases to impress the females.
One of the longest seaweeds native to the UK, thongweed helps create a beautiful underwater forest to rival that of any on the land!