European badger
Badgers are the UK’s largest land predator and are one of the most well-known British species. They are famed for their black and white stripes and sturdy body, using their strong front paws to…
Badgers are the UK’s largest land predator and are one of the most well-known British species. They are famed for their black and white stripes and sturdy body, using their strong front paws to…
Cambrian Photography help North Wales Wildlife Trust.
The green spaces of our towns and gardens bring nature into our daily lives, brightening our mornings with birdsong and the busy buzzing of bees. Together, the UK's gardens are larger than…
The linnet can be seen on farmland and heathland across the UK. But, like so many other farmland birds, linnets are declining rapidly, mainly due to agricultural intensification.
The bee orchid is a sneaky mimic - the flower’s velvety lip looks like a female bee. Males fly in to try to mate with it and end up pollinating the flower. Sadly, the right bee species doesn’t…
Familiar as the bristly plant that easily hooks on to our clothing as we walk through the countryside or do the gardening, cleavers uses its hooks to help it climb and to disperse its seeds.
A pale member of the violet family sometimes known as ‘milk violet’, the fen violet has a delicate and unassuming appearance. A real specialist of the wetland habitat, this species has seen a…
This day-flying moth is found on flowery meadows, often in the company of other moths and butterflies.
Mae'r rhywogaeth yma o forwellt yn fath o blanhigyn blodeuol sy'n byw o dan y môr, gan ddarparu cynefin pwysig i lawer o rywogaethau prin a rhyfeddol.
Ydych chi wedi gweld y twmpathau tebyg i bryfed genwair yma erioed ar draethau? Arwyddion o lyngyr y traeth yw’r rhain! Nid yw’r llyngyr eu hunain i’w gweld byth bron, ac eithrio gan bysgotwyr sy’…