Plast Off! Beach Clean 2023
North Wales Wildlife Trust kicked off our 60th Year celebrations in style with our biggest and most successful beach clean ever, inspiring huge numbers of people to come along and take positive…
Pretty choughed with Anglesey’s choughs!
The results of this years' Anglesey chough count are in! Megan Stone, one of our Stand For Nature Wales youth forum members, gives us an insight into carrying out chough surveys, and shares…
The uncontainable nature of wildlife is perhaps clearest in brownfield sites – previously developed land that is not currently in use. The crumbling concrete of abandoned factories, disused power…
Health & Wellbeing
My Early Days
I was appointed to the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust on 20th July 2020, as Head of Nature Recovery South, after being interviewed on two Zoom meetings, a very odd experience in these strange…
Help wildlife in the cold
The colder months can be a tough time for wildlife, food is scarce and hibernators are looking for shelter. That's why we’ve put together our top tips for maintaining your garden for wildlife…
Garden Escapers! Involving gardeners in preventing future invaders
Large-leaved lime
A scarce tree of England and Wales, the Large-leaved lime is the rarest of our native limes. It is tall and broad, and can be found in forests and parks, where it is frequently planted.
Sand sedge
Sand sedge is an important feature of our coastal sand dunes, helping to stabilise the dunes, which allows them to grow up and become colonised by other species.
The song of the skylark has been the subject of many great musical and literary works. A quintessential feature of our farmland and grasslands habitats, it is declining rapidly with habitat loss…