Sea mat
These mat like growths found on kelp and seaweed are actually colonies of tiny individuals animals.
Sea mouse
This strange furry creature often found washed ashore after storms is actually a kind of worm!
Sea slater
These little critters are related to the woodlice you find in your garden and play a very important role on rocky shores.
(we want your) Memories of wildlife in our sea
Your family's and/or friends' images and recollections of the wildlife they witnessed in our seas from years gone by could be important in helping to conserve it.
Prosiect Afancod Cymru
Red-tailed bumblebee
Living up to its name, the red-tailed bumblebee is black with a big, red 'tail'.
Harbour Porpoises & Other Cetaceans
Nia Jones, our Living Seas Manager introduces some handy tips to viewing cetaceans from North Wales' shores.
Tree nursery creation using a traditional lining-out Board planting system
Board planting is the traditional method of planting trees for tree nursery creation. This method doesn’t rely on machinery as it simplifies itself by having men and women planting up to 50 trees…
Project Siarc
Porbeagle shark
The porbeagle shark is a member of the shark family Lamnidae, making it one of the closest living relatives of the great white shark.
Biogenic reefs
Hard structures created by living creatures, biogenic reefs provide a home for a variety of marine life.