Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Croeso i Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru
Bird migration
Whether flying from the south to breed in the spring, or from the north in the winter in search of food and milder climes, or simply passing through on their journey, bird migration is one of the UK’s most impressive natural events.
Ein Blaenoriaethau
Mae 1 o bob 6 rhywogaeth yng Nghymru nawr dan fygythiad. Rydym yn gofyn i Lywodraeth y DU ymrwymo at adferiad natur ac i wrthdroi y duedd o ddisbyddiad natur.
Be' da ni’n wneud
Rydyn ni’n gofalu am fywyd gwyllt. Rydyn ni’n gweithio dros adferiad byd natur. Rydyn ni'n dod â phobl yn nes at natur yng Ngogledd Cymru.
Gorffennaf Di-blastig Malan
‘Dan ni’n lwcus iawn yma yn Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru bod gennym nifer o bobl ifanc sydd yn ymddiddori mewn bywyd gwyllt ac yn barod i weithredu drosto. Yn yr ail o’n straeon am y bobl…
A razor wreck mystery solved
We’re so grateful for all the help we get from our volunteers. Some have particular skills and like to root out and solve certain natural world puzzles. Ivor and Jane Rees have been providing…
Mynd yn wyllt o adref
Mae yna nifer o ffyrdd i ail-gysylltu â natur o'ch cartref.
Be' sy' ymlaen
Digwyddiadau, teithiau cerdded a sgyrsiau gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru
What's On
Find your local Wildlife Trust event and get stuck in to wild activities, talks, walks and much more.
It’s no secret that bees and other pollinators are facing significant threats from habitat loss, disease and the overuse of pesticides, but with a little work, your garden can serve as a fantastic habitat for a wide range of bee species throughout the year.
Shoresearch rocky shore surveys - March 2023
The lowest Spring tides of the year can reveal areas of the shore very sensitive to footfall. Care was taken as we accessed areas full of worm tubes, anemones, breeding slugs and luscious red…
Wildlife Gardening Survey
Is your garden a haven for wildlife?
Take our two minute survey to find out how your patch shapes up for wildlife!
Our quick and easy online survey measures five essential features: food, shelter, water, connectivity and natural solutions.
Take our two minute survey to find out how your patch shapes up for wildlife!
Our quick and easy online survey measures five essential features: food, shelter, water, connectivity and natural solutions.