Wild carrot
Wild carrot does, indeed, smell of carrots, but the roots are not like our cultivated, dinnertime favourite. Look for this umbellifer on chalk grasslands and coasts.
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Wild carrot does, indeed, smell of carrots, but the roots are not like our cultivated, dinnertime favourite. Look for this umbellifer on chalk grasslands and coasts.
The secretive woodlark can be hard to spot. It nests on the ground on our southern heathlands and uses scattered trees and woodland edges for lookout posts.
Wildlife Trusts Wales Blog on Farming and the changes needed to make it truly nature friendly and sustainable for the long term
The chestnut-brown bank vole is our smallest vole and can be found in hedgerows, woodlands, parks and gardens. It is ideal prey for owls, weasels and kestrels.
A much-loved garden bird, the blackbird is famous for its harmonious song. In winter, our resident birds are joined by migrants from Scandinavia and the Baltics.
A king among birds, the goldcrest displays a beautiful golden crown. Our smallest bird, it can be spotted in conifer woodlands and parks across the UK.
The shells of this small scallop are often found washed up on our shores and comes in lots of different colours, including pink, red, orange and purple.!
Wrth i ffermwyr ddechrau eu dyddiau ymhell cyn y wawr yn ystod eu tymor prysuraf, rydyn ni eisiau dathlu ymroddiad a gwaith caled y tyfwyr ym Mhartneriaeth Fferm Jordans (JFP) – cydweithrediad…