How to create a mini pond
Even a small pond can be home to an interesting range of wildlife, including damsel and dragonflies, frogs and newts.
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Even a small pond can be home to an interesting range of wildlife, including damsel and dragonflies, frogs and newts.
Running out in the fresh air is more than a hobby for Andy, it is a way of life. Our nature reserves provide the perfect outdoor venue for him to exercise and get away from it all.
Goose barnacles often wash up on our shores attached to flotsam after big storms.
From otters to freshwater shrimps, all animals are dependant on an abundant and reliable supply of clean water. Rivers sustain the natural environment, wildlife and people in equal measure.
Exciting wildlife like nightjars, moths and glow-worms are best seen at dusk on warm summer evenings. You can venture out on your own – or join one of our guided walks!
This elegant wading bird is a rare visitor to the UK, though occasionally one or two of pairs will nest here.
This glossy wading bird is a scarce visitor to the UK, though records have become more common in recent decades.
Able to camouflage itself to its surroundings, the European flounder is one of our many amazing flatfish!
One of our largest soldier beetles, often found on flowers where they hunt other insects.
Wildflower verge damaged ... but Mark Greenhough, Wrexham Industrial Estate Living Landscape project officer, explains how good can come from bad.
Our only venomous snake, the shy adder can be spotted basking in the sunshine in woodland glades and on heathlands.